My Latest Addiction


Hello everyone, it has been awhile!

I know I am not doing the best job writing these updates, but things have been really crazy (for just about everyone) lately and it is just now that I have had the opportunity to sit down and put my thoughts into some kind of order. It has been quite the adventure the past few months, a lot of things to catch up on!

What I Have Been Doing

Just what have I been doing? Well, during the month of March, my business was closed by the state so I had a lot of time on my hands as we were quarantined at home. A lot of time. A. LOT. Sure I passed the time playing Animal Crossing, but there is only so much virtual island living you can do before you have to get outside and, you know, do some ACTUAL living.

So one day, as the legends goes, I am in the garage. I look at my Miata. Then to the small hoard of turbo parts I had collected up to this point. Then back to the Miata. Then back at the parts. A light bulb turns on above my head. That is when I get the idea to finally get started on my turbo installation. I already had a clutch replacement, so why don’t I just remove the engine and transmission, replace the clutch, put it back in the car and begin the turbo process? I can have it back in the car and running by the time the quarantine is over!

Oh, you sweet, foolish, child.

What was supposed to be a simple clutch replacement/turbo install has morphed into something much, much, MUCH larger. I consider it the perfect storm on idle hands, a lot of free time and a credit card. The project has ballooned to forged rods, new rings, new gaskets, ARP everything. I ordered so many packages that my UPS/Amazon/Fed Ex/US Mail delivery person knows me on a first name basis. The engine and cylinder head are torn down completely. The shelves in my garage resemble a well stocked speed shop more than a simple home garage. This engine should be running again by May….of 2021. Sometimes I question myself, that maybe I bit off more than I can handle…

…but I am loving every minute of it!

What Happened to the Mazdaspeed 3?

Nothing. It runs perfect, nothing wrong with it. There is still some minor tuning to be done but I am pretty happy with it right now, so there isn’t a lot of content to record with it right now. As my state has opened back up (for how long who knows?) I am hoping to get some autocross footage with it and maybe a review video. I do still need to rework the mounting of the intercooler, I am still not happy with it. I do have some other ideas that I am working on but I will talk about those later.

So What Is Your New Addiction?

Thanks, for asking! I finally broke down and replaced my pressure washer (it met an unfortunate end, but not at my hands. Never let people borrow your tools!). While I was shopping I decided to also jump on the bandwagon and acquired a foam cannon as well. I plan on writing a review at some point later, so I won’t spoil that here. But my goodness…


Mainly, because it makes cleaning all my toys a lot easier. Mostly, because it makes me feel like I am using a Slime Thrower from Ghostbusters 2 and I say “Hose ’em” every time I foam something up. Do they make foam cleaning solutions for home exteriors? I am totally willing to be that guy on the street that foams his house to clean his siding. You know, for the science.

So that is pretty much what I have been up to during the quarantine. Going broke boosting my Miata while covering my entire neighborhood in foam while cleaning my toys.

2020 has been a crazy year so far….
